How To Find The Best Turkey Tail Supplement

Which turkey tail supplement is the best among all options?
Turkey tail is a famous polypore that’s known for its many benefits, chiefly its ability to support normal cell turnover.* Turkey tail is adaptogenic, and helps support the immune system.* It also supports the liver by aiding the body’s natural cleansing process.* It’s one of the most widely studied mushrooms for good reason. Supplementing Turkey Tail daily is a wise choice for health conscious folks and mushroom enthusiasts.
Turkey Tail supplements are a hot commodity right now, and well worth their dollar for the work that goes into growing, cultivating and processing the supplements. Supplementing the tricolored shroom is an excellent addition to your health and wellness arsenal. But what supplement is the best? Before we go into specifics about the best Turkey Tail supplement, there are some general truths to picking a supplement that always apply–no matter the brand.
Find the Fruit Body:
For starters, it’s always important to look for a 100% fruit body when selecting a mushroom supplement. This is important because if it is not 100% fruiting body the supplement manufacturers may include portions of the mycelium and the other substrate that the mycelium was grown on. The substrate can often be a starchy compound such as grain, which is why you’ll often see “no mycelium on grain,” on the product labels, advertising their lack of byproduct. Seeing the phrase, “100% fruit body,” or “no mycelium on grain,” indicates that you’re on the right track to finding the best Turkey Tail supplement.
Beta-Glucan Levels:
The second thing you’ll want to look for is whether or not the levels of beta glucans are listed on the back of the product. Beta-glucans are a polysaccharide found in many fungal cell walls that can support digestion and the healthy immune response.* When finding the best Turkey Tail supplement, the beta-glucan content is important to look for for a number of reasons. First, it indicates that the company tests their products; without testing their product there’s no accurate way to estimate beta-glucan levels. Second, it lets you know what specific levels of beta-glucans are in the product, which allows you to make a very informed choice about selecting the most potent product. Beta-glucan content is typically listed on the box of a product, or on their webpage; for example our Mushroom Mix Daily Ten Tincture which has Turkey Tail contains 1,3/1,6 Beta Glucans, at 1.65%.
Extraction Method:
Another important thing to look out for when selecting a Turkey Tail supplement is the extraction method when shopping for tinctures (our preferred method of consumption). This is important because mushrooms have different beneficial properties which are made bioavailable by different extraction methods. Beta glucans are water soluble and triterpenes are alcohol soluble; finding a Turkey Tail product that’s made using double extraction is very important in ensuring the most benefits.*
The Best Turkey Tail Supplement:
Keeping all this in mind, you’re well equipped to find the best Turkey Tail supplement. As a last tip, always look for a certificate of analysis; a COA can guarantee content specificities. At this point, you should be good to go on your own and do your supplement foraging. But let’s go over a few great supplements in the market, just to illustrate what they do right.
1-Our Mushroom Mix Daily Ten Tincture at Mushroom Revival.
Of course we keep our product to the same standard that we advocate for all other products! Our Daily 10 Tincture contains ten different mushroom extracts, Turkey Tail being one of them. It’s a great choice if you’re looking for a bit more than just Turkey Tail in your supplement; daily ten contains shrooms like Poria Cocos, Chaga, Maitake, and Reishi too!
2-Gaia Herbs Turkey Tail Mushroom Capsules.
Let’s review what we’ve learned and take a close look at this supplement. Right off the bat, you’ll notice they mention they used 100% fruit body with no fillers or starches. This is a great sign! They have also included the milligrams of dried turkey tail in each supplement, which is super helpful in aiding with dosage. Another important aspect of this product is that they’ve mentioned where they’ve sourced their product; their supplement is organically grown and sustainably sourced.
3-Fungus Brothers Turkey Tail Tincture.
Fungus Brothers makes a great, sustainable and locally grown turkey tail tincture. Their mushrooms are grown in a sterile facility and they mention using the double extraction method on their site! Fungus brothers is a great choice for Californians, specifically, because it’s locally grown in California.