Adenosine Triphosphate: The Molecular Unit of Currency

So you may be asking yourself, what in the world is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and how is it related to mushrooms? In the health and wellness world, ATP has gotten plenty of buzz lately, but what is ATP and how does it work?
Biologically, ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate is an organic compound that provides energy to drive many processes of living cells. In other words, ATP is the primary energy carrier in all living organisms on Earth and is used in common processes such as photosynthesis, fermentation, and cellular respiration. ATP is found in plants, fungi, bacteria, and animals and because of this is central to the health and growth of all life.*Â

Cellularly, ATP is found in the mitochondria which is currently referred to as the energy powerhouse of the cell. Cells are made up of complex, self-replicating processes that make life possible and require energy. Energy is therefore the ability of an organism to do work in order to create change and requires ATP in order to accept and release energy.*Â
So where does ATP come from? The sun!! The sun is the major source of energy for all living things. Plant cells produce ATP through light reactions in the chloroplasts during photosynthesis. They then use that ATP to produce sugars like glucose. Animal cells form ATP by breaking down glucose which takes place in the mitochondria. So, the energy your body uses everyday literally comes from the sun!Â

Energy and ATP is vital for our physiological functioning.* Energy is needed to maintain physical movement, maintain body temperature, and keep up with the metabolic activities of the body. In our bodies all physical movements rely on ATP. Our bodies have three energy systems that produce ATP, these are the ATP-PCR system, the glycolytic system, and the oxidative system. The ATP-PCR system is activated with movements that last about 5-15 seconds such as strength power movements like a golf swing, jumps, or throwing a ball. The glycolytic system relies on glucose and glycogen which are stored forms of carbohydrates to produce ATP during movements of max effort from between 1 to 2 minutes. Lastly, ATP is produced through the oxidative system which can produce ATP for a long duration of time such as when we are going on a bike ride or long run.Â

If ATP metabolism is not working properly there is a synaptic impairment that can produce cognitive functional declines and can impact our central nervous system. Additionally, this can impact our sense of strength and coordination since ATP is stored in the muscles.Â

In our ‘on the go’ world it can be challenging to feel energized and well rested. Often, we stay up late, have work, outside activities, relationships, and overall responsibilities that we have to attend to. All of this can be taxing on sustaining our optimal energy levels. Fortunately, certain functional plants and mushrooms help support energy production on the cellular level such as Cordyceps militaris*. Cordyceps militaris are found in Mushrrom Revival’s ENERGY tincture for supporting energy and endurance*, occasional stress adaptability*, athletic performance*, and metabolic function*